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Sestri Levante

Route status


Length (Km)

4.2 - 100 m above sea level


trailsign: three red circles and empty red circles with an horizontal line


a piedi o in mountain bike


The itinerary is accessible by foot or mountain bike: it is not so difficult and quite suitable for everyone, even for less experienced hikers; proper shoes are recommended (trekking shoes or walking shoes) and filled water bottle (there are no water sources on the path).

From Palazzo Fascie the path begins: it is centred on the history of ancient roads, linked to the importance of the connection between road and sea in Sestri Levante from the Middle Ages.

Take Corso Colombo and Via Asilo Maria Teresa, up to Piazza Francesco Bo, then turn right and follow Giovanni Descalzo promenade to the intersection with Viale Mazzini. At the traffic light, turn right and you will find yourself in Via Antica Romana Occidentale. Turning left, you reach a campsite, and you will find the beginning of the path that goes up to the Rocche di Sant’Anna, thus entering the SCI (Site of Community Importance) “Rocche di Sant’Anna – Valle del Fico, as established by the Habitat Directive of the Liguria Region.

Following the path with three red circles as a signpost, you cross the five bridges over the Fico torrent, referable to 18th century road renovations. You will have a magnificent view on Sestri Levante and the surrounding promontory. In about twenty minutes from there you reach the ruins of the Church of Sant’Anna.

If you then want to go back to Sestri Levante, follow the trail with an empty red circle and a horizontal line.  Alternatively you can continue on the path and arrive in Cavi Borgo, where according to tradition, you could find the ancient “hospital” of San Leonardo; or continue the climb up to Mount Capenardo and following the path with the empty red triangle return to Sestri Levante, passing through San Bernardo and the Church of Santo Stefano del Ponte.

Development of the path: Palazzo Fascie-promenade by the sea-Pietra Calante-San Sebastiano-climb to the church of Sant’Anna through the bridges of the Fico Valley- remains of the Church of Sant’Anna- return from the medieval mule-track back to Palazzo Fascie


From To Km
Palazzo Fascie Passeggiata a mare: Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo 260 metri
Passeggiata a mare: Lungomare Giovanni Descalzo Lungomare 700 metri
Lungomare Pietra Calante-San Sebastiano 110 metri
Pietra Calante-San Sebastiano Via Antica Romana Occidentale-imbocco del sentiero per le Rocche di Sant’Anna (salita alla chiesa di Sant’Anna) 350 metri
salita alla chiesa di Sant’Anna Ponti della Valle del Fico e resti della Chiesa di Sant’Anna 1 km.
Chiesa di Sant’Anna Mulattiera medievale 600 metri
Ritorno a Sestri Levante 1,2 km.