

Interested cities

Sestri Levante

Length (Km)



by foot or by bike


Starting from Palazzo Fascie, discover Sestri Levante like you were in a large open-air museum made up of churches, oratories, villas and palaces of ancient and noble families, elements that testify how the territory of Sestri Levante has been a reference point for for the region in Middle ages and modern times, for the strategic, commercial and religious point of view.

Take Corso Colombo and then turn right onVia Asilo Maria Teresa, to the seafront, you will come across the imposing main façade of Villa Balbi, now a hotel, but in the mid-twentieth century. It belonged to noble families such as the Brignole and the Balbi. From Villa Balbi continue along the promenade overlooking Baia delle Favole, to the church of Santa Maria di Nazareth, the ancient church “in burgo arenae”, on the isthmus, which then became the main church instead of the Church of San Nicolò dell’Isola, higher up.

To the left of Santa Maria di Nazareth there is a climb leading to the church of San Nicolò dell’Isola, and on the left you have Baia del Silenzio, also known as Portobello, dominated by the massive seventeenth-century Palazzo Negrotto Cambiaso and Ex Convento dell’Annunziata, today a conference center and venue for weddings and banquets. Going back, climb up to the ruins of the Oratory of Santa Caterina and to the medieval church of San Nicolò dell’Isola, and a wide panorama opens up over the two bays.

Going down again, enter the heart of the “peninsula”, passing next to the monastery of the Turchine Nuns. Arrive in Piazza Matteotti, named after its last owner, characterized mostly by architectural structures of Renaissance origin, set on medieval pre-existing buildings, which are evidence of the presence of important noble families, Riviera, Doria, Gropallo, Ravaschieri, Bernabò, Lena and Federici.

From Palazzo Comunale continue along the “caruggio” (Via XXV Aprile), with its characteristic painted facades and slate portals, and turn right into Via Palestro: in the nearby small square, the white building that stands out Lawyer Marcello Rizzi, who now houses the Rizzi Gallery.

Beyond the Rizzi Gallery the scenery opens up again on the enchanting Baia del Silenzio: from here you climb up to the Convento and the church of the Immaculate Conception of the Capuchins, from which you can also enjoy the view of two buildings that are architecturally in contrast with the other buildings.

A few steps back from the Rizzi Gallery, the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, which houses the heritage of the Oratorio di Santa Caterina. From there follow directions and reach Sant’Antonio. Immediately to the right of the church, along via Nazionale, passing under the railway, you will arrive in front of villa Cattaneo della Volta, characterized by the elegant noble chapel, and the sixteenth-century bridge, proof of the old road network. Cross the Gromolo stream passing over the bridge and continue along the road leading to Santo Stefano del Ponte.

Development of the path: Palazzo Fascie-promenade, Villa Balbi-Santa Maria di Nazareth-Portobello and complex of the Annunziata-Palazzo Negrotto Cambiaso already Durazzo-Palazzi di Piazza Matteotti (anche Palazzo comunale)-Galleria Rizzi-Chiesa dell’Immacolata Concezione dei Cappuccini-view on Villa Foppiano and Villa Domus-Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli-Chiesa di Sant’Antonio-Via Nazionale-Antico ponte sul Gromolo e villa con cappella gentilizia-Chiesa di Santo Stefano del Ponte-Palazzo Fascie by foot or bus (from via Antica Romana/via A.Terzi).


From To Km
Palazzo Fascie Villa Balbi 260 metri
Villa Balbi Santa Maria di Nazareth 400 metri
Santa Maria di Nazareth Portobello, complesso dell’Annunziata, Palazzo Negrotto Cambiaso già Durazzo 270 metri
Portobello, complesso dell’Annunziata, Palazzo Negrotto Cambiaso già Durazzo Oratorio di Santa Caterina 260 metri
Oratorio di Santa Caterina Chiesa di San Nicolò dell’Isola 50 metri
Chiesa di San Nicolò dell’Isola Palazzo Pozzo già Durazzo 400 metri
Palazzo Pozzo già Durazzo Palazzi di Piazza Matteotti 200 metri
Palazzi di Piazza Matteotti Galleria Rizzi 240 metri
Galleria Rizzi Chiesa dell’Immacolata Concezione dei Cappuccini-vista su Villa Foppiano e Villa Domus 150 metri
Chiesa dell’Immacolata Concezione dei Cappuccini-vista su Villa Foppiano e Villa Domus Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli 250 metri
Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli Chiesa di San Pietro in Vincoli 500 metri
Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Via Nazionale-ponte sul Gromolo e villa con cappella gentilizia 600 metri
Via Nazionale-ponte sul Gromolo e villa con cappella gentilizia Chiesa di Santo Stefano del Ponte 650 metri
Chiesa di Santo Stefano del Ponte Palazzo Fascie 1,3 km.