Sestri Levante

Blue Flag

The Municipality of Sestri Levante has obtained the Blue Flag for the second year

The Blue Flag is a voluntary environmental label assigned to seaside towns that comply with a series of criteria aimed at the sustainable management of the beaches and the entire territory.

The Blue Flag Programm was born in 1987 (European year of the environment) and it’s awarded in 73 countries. It’s an international award, established by the FEE, Foundation for Environmental Education, with the support and participation of the two UN agencies: UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) and UNWTO (World Tourism Organization).

The FEE, Foundation for Environmental Education, founded in 1981, is an international non-governmental organization based in Denmark.

The FEE Italia Onlus, established in 1987, manages various environmental programs with the aim of disseminating good sustainable development practices and implementing environmental education activities.

The activities of FEE Italia Onlus are certified according to the ISO 9001-2015 standard.

The criteria that are evaluated for the award of Blue Flag concern four thematic areas:

a) water quality
b) environmental information and education activities
c) environmental management
d) services and safety

For further information check on the website