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Sestri Levante

Route status


Length (Km)



trail sign to San Nicolao + red


by car, by foot, or by bike by public transport until TRIGOSO


Itinerary dedicated to the great families of the Middle Ages, particularly to the Fieschi family, which influenced the history of the roads and religion in this area for centuries, creating a significant complex of buildings in the village of Trigoso .

This route is suitable for journeys by car (or by mountain bike, for trained cyclists) but it is necessary to reach the last stage of this itinerary by foot, through a panoramic path, suitable for medium experienced hikers: it is therefore advisable to wear shoes suitable for walking (hiking shoes or walking shoes) and carrying a water bottle (there are no water sources along the path).

Starting from Palazzo Fascie, along the Aurelia (SS 1) up to Pestella, you will find Villa Fieschi, (owned by Fieschi Conservatory, Crosa di Vergagni family). Behind the building, in the small cemetery of Trigoso, you can find the church of Sant’Adriano.

If you continue along the Aurelia for about 500 meters, you can park on the right of the road, and take a walk in the small and cozy village of Trigoso.

You can then continue by car (or on your own bicycle) along the SS1 between hairpin bends and stunning panoramas, up to the village of Bracco, which dominates the coast above Moneglia and Deiva Marina.

From there, a beautiful path starts, with two red lines as signpost, connecting Masso to Baracchino. Baracchino can also be reached by car, following the SS1 Aurelia, and from there you can leave your car to continue on foot, taking the path marked with a red cross. It is about an hour walk among the rocks of Pietra di Vasca and the chestnut woods of Monte San Nicolao (845 meters above sea level). The other path is marked with a red square and connects Moneglia and Lemeglio with San Nicolao site. It is recommended only to very experienced hikers.

This area is noteworthy also because it is included in the SIC (Site of Community Importance) “Deiva-Bracco-Pietra di Vasca-Mola”. From San Nicolao, you can return to Sestri Levante along the same path or following the trail with two empty red squares up to the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Guardia in Velva.

Development of the path: Palazzo Fascie-Villa Fieschi and Church of Sant’Adriano-Borgo di Trigoso, with the church of Santa Sabina-Bracco-San Nicolao-return to Palazzo Fascie


From To Km
Palazzo Fascie Villa Fieschi e Chiesa di Sant’Adriano 3 km.
Villa Fieschi e Chiesa di Sant’Adriano Borgo di Trigoso 500 metri
Borgo di Trigoso Bracco 8,5 km.
Bracco Bivio per sentiero per San Nicolao 6 km.
Bivio per sentiero per San Nicolao Sito di San Nicolao 3 km.
Ritorno a Sestri Levante 20 km.