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Sestri Levante - Moneglia

Route status



Suitable for everyone, trail sign: two empty red circles


h 2


by foot


From the typical Borgo di Mare, Sestri Levante district, the trail heads east, crossing the bridge over the Petronio creek, heading north. The first part of the trail is on paved road, towards the cemetery, leaving it on the left and following the road to arrive at the rail signs with two red circles.

Unfortunately, in 2004 a disastrous fire destroyed the mountainous area of the promontory. The trail passes through the damaged areas, and it is possible to see how nature is slowly recovering.

Almost all the original rail signs have been deleted by the fire, after some hairpin turns you climb up the hill near Riva, where the vegetation is preparing to welcome the arrival of holm oaks and pines.

Continuing to Punta Baffe, ancient watchtower of Genoa’s Republic, now renewed and transformed into a bivouac shelter. There is a spectacular view on the near Punta Manara.

After visiting the tower and the unique landscape towards the Eastern coast to Punta Mesco, the path goes on towards Monte Moneglia, where some benches and picnic tables can be found. Continuing left, near Vallegrande, you get to 350 meters above sea level, heading towards the sea, passing the Rio della Valletta creek.

Following the rail signs (a red line and a red point), you arrive in the countryside surrounding Moneglia, the road signs will lead you to the train station in the fastest way.